Array 1.11.0
Jul 14, 2020

Annotations, filtering all functionality by cohorts, retention table filtering and many, many bugfixes. It's all in this PostHog update.
If you're self hosting and want these features - update your PostHog.
Please also update your posthog-js
version to at least 1.3.4
if you have it installed via NPM. If you're using the snippet, you're good to go!
Release notes
Digging through git commits to find out what changed to make the graphs go hay-wire? No more! You can now annotate when something happened (a big release, a bugfix or a launch) and make it super easy for your team-mates to figure out what's going on.
Cohort filters
Anywhere you can filter, you can now filter on cohorts as well. The first contribution by our newest member of the team, Michael!
Retention table filtering
We added retention the retention table last week but we're not done with it yet. This week Kacppian, a fervent contributor, added filtering, which combined with the cohort filtering is very powerful.
We'll be adding more improvements in the next release!
Many toolbar fixes.
As we talked about last week, we've opened the toolbar for beta access. The toolbar will give you things like heatmaps and stats, right on your own website.
Thanks for the feedback on our feedback ticket. We've already solved many issues and are working hard towards a full release. Please add onto that ticket if you have any more!.
Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Some first-time contributors ran into errors with TemplateDoesNotExist, which we've solved
- Add comprehensive Cypress tests for dashboards to avoid bugs
- Add webpackbar for better readability while developing
- Moves total to the bottom of the pie chart to fix z-index issues readability while developing
- Fix an issue with filtering on the event type
- Add Typescript to the PostHog frontend codebase
- Fix the ability to delete dashboards
- Add support for LZ-String compression
- Use Black for Python formatting
Favorite issue
Stacked line charts
The inkt was barely dry on this issue before Kacppian picked it up. Look for this feature in the next release!
Share your feedback
We'd love to hear anything you have to say about PostHog, good or bad. As a thank you, we'll share some awesome PostHog merch.
Want to get involved? Email us to schedule a 30 minute call with one of our teams to help us make PostHog even better!
PostHog news
James (our tallest co-founder) had a baby girl called Ruby! The first PostHog baby, though there's already another one in the pipeline!
We've also welcomed Michael to the team full-time, and Max is going to join us over the summer.
Open roles
Full stack or growth engineers - we want you!
We've also started looking for a Ops type person - someone that can take charge of the operational side of a quickly growing, completely remote company.
Ready to find out more?